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Quiz Question
What is the WIN Fund?
- The Women In Need Fund is....
- A) a source to funnel money to national leaders...
- B) funds to be re-directed to the cause of one's choosing...
- C) a reservoir for salaries, perks, or operational expenses...
- D) none of the above...
If you chose D, then you are correct. The WIN Fund is strictly emergency monies that assist women who could not otherwise pay for an abortion procedure. Many of the women we've helped were in disastrous situations. One of the advantages to being an independent organization is that we are able to monitor the funds and guarantee that every penny contributed to WIN is used for its stated purpose. All donors have given $ with the understanding that it is exclusively for WIN. At SJCDC, we draw no salaries and frequently assume organizational expenses from our own pockets. More than half of our budget remains committed to WIN. The WIN Fund is often exhausted and we desperately need to regenerate $. Please contact SJCDC if you have a fund-raising plan or idea, or if you would like to contribute. Thank you.